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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  April 5, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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opportunity to give it back. you hand it over. this. this tangible place that we're at now, you give us this back, and then we'll figure out how we want to develop it. and do it. that would be a better reparation to me. the johnson family, just one of many families pushing for the state of california to consider reparations for slavery and decades of anti-black policies like the ones that forced them out of their home, explore their journey in the abc seven originals documentary, california's case for reparations. >> it's streaming now wherever you watch abc seven. we'll show it here on abc seven tomorrow a preliminary reading in these aftershocks, 4.0. this was the strongest quake in the region since the late 1800s.
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the 4.8-magnitude quake in new jersey centers between new york city and philadelphia. over 40 million americans maryland up to maine feeling this. skyscrapers shaking. homes evacuated. some buildings condemned tonight. the >> david: tonight, breaking news. the earthquake hitting right outside new york city and just moments ago, the aftershocks felt just before question came on the air. a preliminary reading in these aftershocks, 4.0. this was the strongest quake in the region since the late 1800s. the 4.8-magnitude quake in new jersey centers between new york city and philadelphia. over 40 million americans maryland up to maine feeling this. skyscrapers shaking. homes evacuated. some buildings condemned tonight. the shaking can be seen in the earth cam video of the statue of liberty. tonight the crews inspecting
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bridges, tunnels, and rails. will there be more aftershocks? what authorities are saying to be prepared for tonight. the deadly nor'easter leaving hundreds of thousands still without power. tonight, the new cross-country storm already on the way and what it could mean for the solar eclipse on monday. rob marciano taking us city by city. the new threat alert in this country. tonight the fbi and homeland security now warning of potential threats to public gatherings. why they're concerned. pierre thomas standing by with late reporting. also tonight, the concern over iran and a possible retaliatory attack. tonight, u.s. officials warning israel iran may be planning an attack after israel's deadly strike in syria. what we're learning right now.
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president biden in baltimore today on the scene of that deadly bridge it's great to have you here with us on a friday night. breaking news, the aftershocks just moments ago in new york city and beyond after that earthquake hit this morning. a 4.8-magnitude earthquake that struck at 10:23 this morni white house station, new jersey, right between new york city and philadelphia. these aftershocks moments ago registering a 4.0, almost as big as the earthquake itself. the earthquake this morning rocking millions from maryland right up to maine, triggering confusion at first, and then
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alarm. ground stops at new york airports. the epicenter in new jersey some 40 miles west of new york city, 60 miles north of philadelphia. the strongest in the area in more than 100 years. you can see the shaking in the livestream from the earth cam web cam at the statue of liberty in new york harbor, that was quite something. and the rumbling. you can see it and hear it in this home in middlesex, new jersey. pictures shaken off the walls, falling to the floor. a startled dog. customers rushing out of a coffee shop. this was in booten, new jersey. the moment of confusion during a livestreamed event from new jersey, taking off the headset there, not knowing what was going on.
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in newark, three buildings evacuated and condemned after suffering serious damage right during the earthquake. as i mentioned off the top tonight, the aftershocks just moments ago. senior meteorologist rob marciano is standing by on all of this and what could still be coming. abc's trevor ault leading us off in newark tonight. >> reporter: tonight, millions in the northeast on alert for aftershocks after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake rattled much of the eastern seaboard. the quake striking at 10:23 this morning. centered about 45 miles west of new york city in whitehouse station new jersey. our new york station, wabc, broadcasting live. jolting the earth cam atop the statue of liberty. >> we were actually stopped on the george washington bridge and we felt something rumble. we didn't know if it was cars
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going by us or what it was. >> it felt like a jolt. you saw cars like this, going back and forth. >> reporter: they even felt it during batting practice at opening day at yankee stadium. >> i felt something i thought right? yeah, i'm glad to hear that i'm not going crazy right now. >> reporter: multiple airports issuing ground stops. newark airport alerting pilots. >> attention, attention all aircraft awaiting departure, it seems like the tower is going to be evacuated. >> reporter: nypd using drones to inspect bridges. >> we've not identified any life-threatening situations, but we are certainly asking our local law enforcement and emergency services teams to be on guard for that as well. >> reporter: today's quake striking along what's known as the ramapo fault, which spans about 185 miles across new york, new jersey, and pennsylvania.
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significant quakes on the east coast are rare but do happen. in 2011, a 5.8 quake centered in virginia was felt by millions in more than a dozen states, even cracking part of the washington monument. quake expert dr. lucy jones said had this quake been centered under a major city, the damage could have been much more severe. >> i think to be getting substantial damage, you need to be getting larger, 5.5 to 6, and you need to be putting it in an urban area. >> reporter: david, three of these homes in newark shifted during the quake. they've now been deemed unsafe and ten families have been wanlgted. david, we just learned of that 4.0 aftershock. it was also felt in new york city. david? >> david: let's get more on that trevor thank you. rob, this aftershock, 4.0, that's not insignificant? >> no, we were worried about that. we had a number of 2.0 or less quakes after that first one.
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this 4.0, significant for sure. it's going to be hours if not days of that threat continuing until the ground around that fault and that original quake settles down, david. >> david: shocks in the hours to come. in the meantime, rob, you're also tracking this next cross-country storm? >> yeah, weather-wise, another potent storm coming into the west. the core has swung through california. over a foot of snow in the sierra. we've got significant winds over 70 mires in the intermountain west. look at the wind energy we expect into the mountains and into the plains. high wind warnings as well. let's track this thing. the bulk of the precipitation getting into the mountains. more in the way of heavy snow there. sunday into monday, the energy gets into dallas. that's when we expect to see a severe weather threat for several days. beginning monday after after the eclipse. that probably also means clouds building up before the eclipse for texas, parts of arkansas, oklahoma, clouds going into
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cleveland, ohio, buffalo where i'll be. the clouds get very close to burlington where you will be. no guarantee of clear skies there. it's april, the atmosphere very active. we'll have to see what the weather gods bring us on monday. hopefully everyone gets a sliver of clear skies during totality. >> david: a mix of everything as you're standing there, the wind and rain behind you. we're following this new security warning here in the u.s. from the fbi and homeland security warning of potential threats to public gatherings. the timing of this and why they're concerned tonight. here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas with late reporting. >> reporter: tonight, fbi and homeland security officials are warning u.s. law enforcement about the potential for terror inspired by that deadly isis attack in moscow targeting a concert hall. the concern, according to the bulletin," violence targeting
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mass gatherings such as sports stadiums, concert venues, or houses of worship in the united states." law enforcement told to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity. the bulletin coming just days before millions will gather to watch the eclipse on monday. authorities say following the moscow attack, isis and its supporters celebrated the assault and “shared graphic and violent attack footage.” the terror group “calling for similar attacks in the united states.” i'm told u.s. law enforcement is being urged to take this bulletin seriously. sources say isis remains a very real threat, david. >> david: pierre thomas live in washington, pierre, thank you. u.s. authorities are also concerned tonight about iran. they are warning of a possible retaliatory attack after a deadly israeli strike in syria we covered right here. abc's britt clennett from inside israel tonight. >> reporter: tonight, u.s. authorities are warning iran may be preparing for a retaliatory attack against israel.
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retaliation could come as soon as this weekend or next week for that deadly idf air strike in syria that killed seven revolutionary guard members, including a top commander. it comes as the israeli military fired two officers and suspended two commanders for the idf attack that killed seven aid workers in gaza, including a dual u.s. citizen. >> it was a terrible chain of errors, and it should never have happened. >> reporter: israel's own investigation outlining a tragic timeline. that world central kitchen convoy, clearly marked with the logo, picking up aid shipment monday night. despite the charity coordinating their movements with the idf, israel saying drone operators were unaware of that plan and mistook an aid worker carrying a bag for a gunman, later opening fire. two passengers escaping the first vehicle, getting into a second, only to be hit by another missile. survivors of that second strike were then killed in a third attack, all in just four minutes. the world central kitchen renewing calls for an independent investigation,
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saying the idf cannot credibly investigate its own failure. tonight, after president biden bluntly warned netanyahu to take concrete steps to protect aid workers and civilians or the u.s. will reassess its support, israel announcing it will open the erez crossing in northern gaza as well as a port to allow more aid in. but none of those steps addressed those white house concerns. despite that today, president biden saying israel is following through. >> i asked them to do what they're doing. >> reporter: david, back to that u.s. concern of an attack on israel from iran. abc news is told iran could strike israel's diplomatic facilities or possibly a direct strike. and david, president biden calling on the leaders of egypt and qatar to press hamas for a hostage deal with israel. david? >> david: still so many moving parts. britt clennett with reporting from tel aviv tonight, thank you. president biden was on the scene of that deadly bridge collapse in baltimore. his message to the city, a promise the federal government will pay for the bridge, rebuild the bridge. the president meeting with the families of the six workers who lost their lives. what we learned today about one of the workers who died. what he said in a message just moments before the bridge went down. here's mary bruce. >> reporter: president biden today boarding marine one, traveling to baltimore for an eag eagle-eye view of the wreckage of the francis scott key bridge one week after that devastating collision. a giant ship smashing into the
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bridge, bringing it crashing down. >> i heard her say, your nation had your back, and i mean it. your nation has your back. >> reporter: for roughly an hour, the president privately consoling the families of the six workers killed. four of their bodies yet to be recovered. >> just seconds before one of the men named carlos, who was only 24, left a message for his girlfriend. here's what it said. "we just poured cement, we're waiting for it to dry," he said. well, all the families and loved ones are grieving. i come here to grieve with you, we all are. my vow is that we will not rest, as carlos said, until the cement has dried and the entirety of a new bridge, a new bridge. >> reporter: the president today calling for congress to cover the full cost of this recovery. and the army corps of engineer reses has announced an ambitious
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timeline hoping to have one temporary channel open by the end of this month and to be back at normal capacity by the end of may, david. we turn next to the urgent search for those two missing moms. they were going to pick up one of the mother's children. the car was found. days later what authorities are saying. here's abc's mola lenghi. >> reporter: now missing for nearly a week, oklahoma authorities say foul play is suspected in the case of two mothers who vanished without a trace. >> we have not found these women yet. we are still searching. and our investigators are working around the clock to do what they can to find these two victims. >> reporter: 39-year-old jillian kelley and 27-year-old veronica butler of hugoton, kansas, were last seen on saturday, on their way to pick up veronica's 8-year-old son and daughter to celebrate her 6th birthday, according to abc affiliate kvii. but the two moms never arrived. local authorities recovering the blue kia suv they were in, abandoned along a highway south
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of the oklahoma/kansas border. >> our investigators, based on the evidence and the information that they had found inside of the victim's vehicle that they believe that there was foul play involved in this case. >> reporter: veronica, a known businesswoman in the community, was reportedly in the middle of a custody battle. jillian, an acquaintance and pastor's wife, was said to be riding along for support. the two moms disappeared in a rural area. without many homes or businesses that might have security camera footage. david? >> david: mola lenghi tonight, thank you. there is news on the economy tonight. a blockbuster new jobs report surging past expectations today. employers adding 303,000 new jobs last month. unemployment ticking down to 3.8%. the federal reserve still laser focused on continuing to tame innegotiation as it considers cutting interest rates up to three times this year. now to a different set of numbers tonight. ticket prices and viewership for the women's pine fi final four
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to set records tonight. >> reporter: tonight, potentially history in the making with tickets for the ncaa women's final four already double the men's. >> for three -- got it! >> reporter: and ratings for tonight's game between iowa and uconn expected to break records. >> clark, steps back, fires, you bet! >> reporter: many tuning in to see iowa star caitlin clark, the all-time leading scorer in college basketball history. >> people didn't really ever think we would get to the final four, and now to be here back to back times is amazing. >> reporter: also tonight, number one, south carolina, looking to stay undefeated, taking on number three, nc state. >> super-cool opportunity for to us play in another final four. this is kind of what our players came to south carolina for. >> reporter: the average price of a ticket, $2, 323. the men's games average less than half that, $1,001 each. david, the games air and stream
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on espn tonight at 7:00 and 9:30 eastern time. of course, millions will be watching. >> david: we understand your excitement. we're excited too. espn tonight, erielle reshef on a friday, thanks. when we come back, an emergency, the plane seen parachuting to the ground. those on board were saved and you'll see it. what paul mccartney is saying tonight about beyonce's "blackbird." d all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an anti-diarrheal , and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain.
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parachuting to the ground near tampa. a witness saying they heard a >> david: tonight, the emergency on board and the plane seen parachuting to the ground near tampa. a witness saying they heard a loud explosion beforehand. the plane then deploying a parachute, gently landing, spinning there as it crashes into a residential area upside down. two people on board the plane walked away unharmed, incredible. when we come back here tonight, paul mccartney weighing in on beyonce's "blackbird." and where powerball now stands. your big chance. more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%. evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium, or are allergic to it.
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>> david: finally tonight here, getting ready for the solar eclipse. tonight, the eclipse across america just days away now, monday afternoon, right here on abc. we'll be live all along the path of totality. our teams in so many states. more than 2,000 miles from texas all the way to maine. the moon will cast a shadow about 123 miles wide on the ground, moving at a speed of nearly 2,000 miles per hour. the closer you are to that center line, the longer you'll be in complete darkness. in some places, it will last up to 4 minutes 28 seconds. >> hi, david. >> david: dr. isler, astrophysicist and national geographic explore are, she'll be with us and she's with us tonight. >> one cool difference between the 2017 eclipse and the one now
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is the moon is closer to the earth. totality will be longer and the actual path will be almost double what it was in 2017. happy solar eclipse. >> david: along that path, millions of americans preparing to witness the breathtaking sight. students at eastern michigan university test launching their high altitude weather balloon. >> overall, i think it's pretty good, it's practically up there. >> david: they plan to release it monday and livestream the solar eclipse from 80,000 feet. >> it's so cool to be doing science. i get to do real joins. >> david: jeanette and neil bergman from fresno, california, flying 1,300 miles to austin, texas. >> hi, david! >> david: they're in texas tonight. >> we thought we'd try and see it because the next one isn't for 20 years. took a chance on this one. >> hope the weather's good. >> david: in rochester new york. lindsay chertoff at chocolates. >> making lots of chocolate
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molds. we have suns and moons. we have truffles we have adorned with white chocolate stars, and they actually look like the eclipse when you cut into them. and we have celestial bark. >> david: hoping to make a sweet moment across america even sweeter. the eclipse monday afternoon. we can't wait. you'll have a perfect view right here on abc. the abc news/national geographic event monday, 2:00 p.m. i don't think about richard allen davis until something like this happens. so here we are, 30 years after the fact, and i'm having to relive my daughter's murder again. >> anger klaas as the man who killed his daughter, polly tries to get his
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death sentence overturned. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry beil and i'm julian glover, attorn richard allen davis went to court today to have his case heard before a judge. >> abc seven news reporter zach fuentes was in court. he joins us live from our san jose bureau with more. zach >> yeah. and today's hearing was for the judge to decide whether richard allen davis is eligible for a resentencing. davis was sentenced to death, like you said. but now, with the events set into motion today, his attorneys are fighting for that sentence to be overturned and the kidnaping and murder of 12 year old polly classes, one that captured the world's attention. it happened in petaluma back in 1993. she was taken at knifepoint from her own bedroom at a slumber party. her body was found months later. richard allen davis was eventually convicted in the case and sentenced to death 28 years ago. polly's father, marc klaas, was there for the sentencing, and i might have said something to the effect that this is finally over. >> yet here we are 30 years later. >> now, davis wants a judge to overturn his sentence. he didn't appear in court on friday, but his attorney


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